How to Perform a Comprehensive SEO Audit for Your Website

How to Perform a Comprehensive SEO Audit for Your Website

How to Perform a Comprehensive SEO Audit for Your Website

We know how important Search Engine Optimization  is in increasing your website’s visibility in search, driving organic traffic, and finally, increasing your online reach. An extensive SEO audit is not a checklist but a blueprint that lets you know what’s wrong with your website and how to fix it, going up the rank ladder in SERPs. By following these steps, you will be able to ensure your website is aligned with the most current SEO requirements and is prepared to perform its best in 2024.

1. Website Health Check

A SEO audit would be incomplete without making sure your site is in good technical health and there will be no surprises down the line. Here is where you begin:

Check loading speed: The website’s speed affects both user experience and even search engine rankings. Identify the bottlenecks in the speed of your website with tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTMetrix, and optimize it.

Site-Audit: Tools like Screaming Frog or SEMrush will help you crawl the most required site. Such tools go through the website and capture major glitches, including broken links, internal duplicate content, or missing metadata. 

 Check For Page Index: Make sure all your important pages are in Google’s index. Search for errors in indexing and troubleshoot them to fix the error.

2. Revisit On-Page SEO

One has to take care of on-page search engine optimization for making any web page much better. This includes:

Page Titles and Descriptions: Check all page titles and descriptions. All should be unique, relate to content, and include your key search words. Headings: Check your structure for H1, H2, and H3 headings. Every page should have only one H1 heading and other subheadings that normally give clear sense.

Quality Content: Review your content critically to ensure that it is on point, high quality, and unique. It ought to be helpful, properly penned, and satisfy your readers’ needs.

Appropriate Keyword Placement: Utilize your major keywords in your content in a natural way, incorporated in your titles, headings, and descriptions. Do not overuse your keywords anywhere.

3.Do the Mobile Optimization Test

Making your website friendly for mobile is very important as more people log on to the Internet through their mobiles.

Here’s how to check if your website is good for mobile usage:

Test for Mobile-Friendliness: You could check your website using a tool offered by Google, specifically the Mobile-Friendly Test, so that it appears good and functions well on phones.

UX or User Experience in Mobile Phones: Test the mobile view of the website to see navigation and loading time. It should be easy to read and clickable. 

Page Speed for Mobile: For a person who is using mobile, he/she is always in a bit of speed and wants the pages to load quickly. You can do it by making the files smaller, using less data, and throwing away extra things that are not needed.

4. Perform a Technical SEO Check

Technical SEO makes sure the structure of your site is optimized for search engines and users. Let’s look at key areas to review:

XML Sitemap: Ensure the availability of an XML sitemap for all integral pages and that it is correctly submitted into Google Search Console.

Robots.txt File: Check whether the Robots.txt file is blocking any important pages from indexing by search engines.

Canonicalization: Make sure that the canonical tags are correctly set to avoid duplicated content over different pages.

HTTPs: Compose your site in HTTPs, as Google gives a strong preference to secured websites. Unsecured sites might not look as great in search results. 

Schema Markup: Preview how your site will look in search results by applying schema markups. Use some tools to verify details of the schema implemented.

 5. Check the Backlink Profile

Backlinks matter when trying to improve the search engine ranking of your website. Checking your website requires consideration of the following aspects with regard to backlinks on your website:

Check Quality of Backlinks: You can use Ahrefs or Moz to check your backlinks. Always try to get links from trusted and relevant websites. Never try to get a link from a lousy website.

Bad Links: Get rid of such links which will hamper your search engine ranking. You can do that with the help of Google’s Disavow Tool.

Find Ways to Get More Backlinks: Look out for opportunities to get more quality backlinks. You need to outreach to the relevant websites in your niche to get that extra set of quality links pointing back to your site. Also, try to make your content more clickable.

6. Finding Duplicate  Information

Duplicate content could complicate the process for search engines to understand your website and eventually lead to dampening your ranking. For duplicate content, here are the possible sources that will check for you:

On your own website: You have the same content on different pages on your site. Tools: Copyscape or Siteliner. Fix: Combine similar pages.

On other websites: Check that your content is not getting filtered on to other websites. If you find it popping up on another website, contact them to take it down on your behalf.

7. Analyze the  Customer Experience Metrics

By analyzing the user experience metrics, you will optimize both the satisfaction of your customers and your site’s ranking on a search engine.

Bounce Rate: If your bounce rate is high. It only means that visitors to your site leave very quickly, and you might therefore not be providing content that is interesting to them. Measure your bounce rate through applications like Google Analytics in tracking bounce rates.

Page Views per Session: Look at average page views per session. A low number may mean your internal linkages are poor or the content is not relevant.

8. Do Some Competitive Analysis

First of all, check out your competition. This will give you an  idea of your position. Here’s how to do it:

Find Your Competitors: Go to Google and try searching your primary keywords. Most of the results will probably be from your top competitors when it comes to SEO.

Check Keyword Use: Using SEMrush or Ahrefs, see how you are faring with certain keywords, as well as your competitors. Find out where there are missing keywords.

Look at Competitor Links: Analyze links pointing to their sites for good quality links. Try to get such types of links to your site using the same strategy.

9. Monitor Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals are that bunch of measurements that show the user experience of your site. Google estimates this bunch in the ranking of websites, so one needs to monitor it and keep improving.

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): This should measure how long the largest content element of the page takes to load. Target a 2.5-second LCP or faster.

First Input Delay (FID): It should measure how fast your website can respond to user interactions. Make sure the FID is less than 100 milliseconds.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): This reflects the stability of the visual page contents. It should be less than 0.1 to avoid sudden changes in the layout of the page

10. Monitor and Report

From the audit report, it is very important to establish how you shall monitor and report the success of efforts put forth in the SEO. Here is how it is done:

Google Analytics & Search Console: Get Google Analytics and Google Search Console up and run. Among other things, these reports provide extremely valuable insights about website traffic, visitor behavior, and information obtained from search reciprocals. 

Keyword Rank Tracking: Continue to monitor through an SEO tool the performance of your main keywords. Evaluate the ranks on a regular basis and revise the plan as necessary.

Regular SEO audits: Periodical checks similar to SEO audits, preferably not less frequent than once every three months, will ensure new issues are not taking place, with optimization being up to scratch at all times.


All in all, a thorough SEO Audit will definitely require a proper focus and a methodical approach. Keep checking your site regularly for the desired enhancements of your site, your search engine positions, and more natural visitors.

For businesses interested in improving their SEO efforts, the best way forward might be to interact with the best digital marketing company in Gurugram or the best SEO agency in Gurugram, which will offer proper skills and insights to outshine competitors and find success in the long run.

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